2019 Final Countdown Task Three

Posted on December 31, 2019 by prairiemoonquilts in The Final Countdown

Well, yesterday was one of those days. I found every possible way to procrastinate (such as these), and never even stepped foot into my sewing room. But in my defense, I do have some tight January longarm deadlines, so I spent my time running the longarm, and even tho I wanted to, I did not take a nap. Besides, I have until January 4th to corral my projects!

Today is the last day of the decade — woohoo! And it’s time for our third and final Final Countdown Task. Today we are going to look ahead . . . and:

Make some quilting plans for 2020

If you have your paper clutter under control, chances are you came across a few patterns you’d like to make. And if you got your projects organized, you’re ready to sew on those and get them finished, too. If you also, like me, made a list of projects you have going and would like to do, then you are all set to make those 2020 plans, right?

Along with this plan, I would like to encourage you to also find your oldest UFO, and commit to doing something with it early this year. I’ve had my oldest UFO on my list for 3 years now, and the top itself is from the late ’80s — all it needs is quilting! This is the year. And even then, I probably won’t get to it until February because of all the deadlines I already have.

But here’s a few things that will be on my plans and lists:

I always make a list of 12 things I plan to do (and then only do maybe 3 of them). I’ll be doing this again, and I’ll have a new printable form for you to download in early January.

I do three rounds of the 100-Days lists. (and have yet to do all 100 things in the 100 days)

I usually set yearly goals, and then break them down into monthly goals, but that hasn’t been working too well for me, so this year, I think I’m only doing quarterly goals, and then I can change course more easily, which is just how I operate. Besides, I don’t like knowing so far ahead what I’ll be working on — that makes me bored before I even get there, and leaves me nothing new to look forward to! I’m still working on setting up my 2020 planner, but I’ll show you that when I get going with it in a few days. I’m working on setting up a couple of new challenges for myself, too, and you might want to join me for that — so stay tuned!

I’ll be hosting the 350 Blocks Project again in 2020.

And I still plan to post Studio Organizing Challenges periodically this year. I know I’m not gonna be done with everything that needs doing around here by the 4th. I haven’t touched my mess of scraps in months!

Can you tell I have to make things into a game for myself in order to get anything done?

You can join me for any of these things, and make your own lists and plans; and if you look around the internet, there will be plenty of challenges, quilt-alongs, and other activities going on that you might want to join in on. I noticed from the comments that some of you are already making lists and plans, so you’ll have a head start on this task, too!

I’ll be ruminating on my new lists and plans over the next few days, and I’ll keep you posted on what I decide to do. I know one thing: I need to be a bit more realistic when I make my lists! I always have way too big ideas, and never enough time to execute them. I guess I’m a dreamer!

How about you? Do you already know a few of the things you want to get done this year? Are you a list maker? Or do you play it by ear? Are you trying to finish up old projects? Or did you find some new ones you want to get started on? This is the fun part of the Final Countdown . . . I’m excited to hear about what you will all be tackling in the year ahead.

Don’t forget to leave a comment to be eligible for the prizes, and remember, you have until the 4th to keep making progress on these tasks. Here’s to a great day for all of us!

43 responses to “2019 Final Countdown Task Three”

  1. Patricia says:

    These challenges have really helped me! For today I pulled out a table runner I started 5 years ago. I love it, why is it not finished, it will be this month!
    I don’t make list but will start. Yesterday’s challenge show me I need lists. Thank you

  2. KARREN PATTON says:

    I might have been born making lists! I love them. I started making my 2020 to-do-list the first of December. Now that the list is longer than I am tall, all I need to do is pick out the first 12. I am going to try to do one per month along with finishing one from the UFO list. Plus I make one crib quilt each month to donate. Then there are all the new things I see. What to do first!

  3. Sharon Sauser says:

    My quilting plans for 2020 are to make placemats for the local Meals on Wheels program. I only got nine Christmasy ones done this month. I also plan on making more of my own Quilts of Valor, instead of just doing the volunteer quilting for others’ tops.
    I, too, have some very old UFO’s. Two are Char Jorgenson’s Double Wedding Rings from 1995 for twin beds that we got rid of years ago to make room for my longarm. Another is a Mimi Shimp Rose of Sharon applique’ BOM from 2001 that I really do plan on quilting this year. I just don’t know how to quilt it. I’ve had a computerized longarm for about five years now, so I am no longer good at freehand, because I do all the QOV’s with digitized designs. Need suggestions.

  4. Randy Menninghaus says:

    I was over at a friends house doing a quilt consult and we got excited and started working on next years list!!! Surprise… did not even know about the planning yet. Off to make the list… and I have a UFO that has not made it off the list for 5 years.

  5. Ginny says:

    I have several quilts that are a must this year. A wedding gift for my granddaughter who is getting married in May. A quilt for another granddaughter who turns 16 in Dec. A quilt for Rotary Auction in Oct. I have a list of quilts to work on. I will redo that list and see what else ends up on the list and I know i have several that need to be quilted and put binding on. Oh my, the list is long and that doesn’t include the kits in the drawer.

  6. Making plans – some already on paper, some bouncing in the head! I am a big list maker; so much so, I make lists off my lists. To meet this challenge, I will purge my lists into one with suggested rather than specific goals for each month. That should be a great start to 2020! Along with my gathering like things (finished, UFOs, cutting, binding, etc.) to have Go To places when I have the urge to work on quick projects to complete, or quilting on the long arm. I’d like to be so organized I won’t have a desire to reorganize!
    Happy New Year to Everyone. Hope to see you visit my blog http://www.sewingwithstitcher.com – another area of my life I am “organizing” – LOL!

  7. Becky says:

    I find making lists keeps me better on tasks. The list changes every year even though some ufos did not get done. At least I have a starting point. It’s really nice when I get to mark something’s off of the list

  8. Christopher Thomas says:

    I have one UFO that I plan on doing this weekend, so all the projects that I have had started will be done, except for the quilting as I do not have my own quilting machine yet, that is on the list to buy this year.

    I did find a lot of quilts that i would like to make this year and i am going to at leat try and do three a month, I would love to give everyone a quilt this coming year for christmas

    I got a lot of my fabric that I had washed and pressed on the shelves today, but had to stop to get the rest of the house ready for the new years eve party tonight.

    i am in hopes that I will find more time to sew this coming year and try a few things that i have not had the chance to do

    happy quilting one and all

  9. Wendy O says:

    I am Not a list maker! They distract me. But I do make plans! Most exit! Stage Left!

    I did, while undigging my sewing area, find all of a quilt I want done! Hope it is done in January. There is a line behind it.

    Yep! Oi joined Two mysteries already. One is a one day (already behind) the other is longer (thank goodness).

    And, hoping to make you less worried, I have TWO tubs of about 40 quilt tops. Ii did send a few off to Quilts of Compassion a few times this year.

  10. Judy Smith says:

    I bought some patterns this past year, which I hardly ever do. Those will go on my wish list for 2020. I also really want to do a wool appliqué quilt, so that can go there too. I just finished my UFO list, though and suspect it will consume the entire year.

  11. Suz says:

    I know I achieve a lot with a list, but until 2019 I hadn’t found a long term method that worked. Sometimes just writing it down is not enough you know? Anyway, I think I started a bullet journal… even though I didn’t know what that was then… and each month I listed specific goals for a variety of specific projects, and ticked them off… and used stickers for that feel good achievement. The following month I treated as a completely new challenge… sometimes those unachieved tasks rolled over… sometimes they got altered to become more achievable, and sometimes they got canned. I also kept an overall progress list to keep an overview of what was getting done, what needed to be done etc. This year I’m going to just keep on going.

  12. Sharon Gratz says:

    Was able to cross off a few 2019 ‘ambitions’ and have been thinking about 2020. I’ve been glued to the kitchen for a few days but hopefully later on tonight it’ll be quiet and I can think soberly about it. lol

  13. Marilyn Holder says:

    Five years ago my dear quilting friend died and another quilting friend and I helped her husband clean out her quilting space(s). Two spare bedrooms, her sewing room, and closet(s) were full…we spent 3 days taking what we wanted, paid him well, and tried to organize the rest for him to find someone else. That shock told me I had to do something with my stash. I had less fabric than she had, but still something had to be done. My husband helped empty 75% of my “stash room” and my 3 year project is almost done! Going through every box and every bin took time…keep or give away. Luckily, I have a sewing group with lots of ideas/plans for fabric I gave them. When I get maxed out, I must stop looking/thinking and go back to my projects. In a week or two it’s back to keep or toss. Also, I have two scrap projects that fabric can go in…these are cut into leaders/enders. I should be finished by 2021!

  14. Emma says:

    I blogged my plan…thanks for forcing me to do this! I needed it!

  15. Marcia in TX says:

    This past weekend I finished my very first quilt from 1990 Learn to Quilt class. Through the years I had been trying to hand quilt it and realized that was not my thing. So I finished it on the longarm and bound it this weekend. Yea, so much better than suffering through the hand quilting and now we can use and enjoy it.

  16. Becky Cogan says:

    I’m a list maker and have a lot on it. Several small things that require other skills. A little machine applique that I haven’t done in awhile
    A couple of old Ufo’s. I hope to mark off a few things as the year goes on.

  17. Edith Csokmay says:

    I’m a list maker, from daily chores to annual goals. I love my lists. I did a 12 UFOs list and a 12 things list.
    I have to check how much i got done. The UFO list faired better than the 12 things, but i’m pretty pleased with both. I will definitely be doing those again. Looking forward to following along with you this year. Thanks for being such a good hostess anf Happy New Year!!!!

  18. Pam Desilets says:

    I loved all the different comments. I make lists myself
    Tomorrow I will start a new list. I will be cleaning my sewing room out. And then put things a way as they come back end. I really need to purge a lot. My kids keep telling me if I bring one more thing in my sewing room the floor will cave in!!!!
    Will get back with the new lists totals

  19. Stephanie says:

    Lovely task Shelly! I am all done with this one, been working on plans (and lists) since Boxing Day.
    2019 was the year of chowing down on my UFO list, and it is under 100 for the first time in forever.
    2020 is going to have more fun things, and work done on long term slow sewing things. Yay for New Year!

  20. Tonia says:

    I have a list of 8 ufo (are they really ufo if I haven’t even started they are just patterns and fabric?) And 6 these things really need done on time–graduation quilts, and Glory Be an new Baby is coming in our family!!!!!! I have tried to keep my lists short this year. AND I want to allow for the new things that come up that are just in the “goodness I have to try this” category. If I get this done this year it will have the ufo stuff down to a couple that are still in the I love this fabric, but not sure what it is perfect for group. You have helped me recognize what is possible and what is wishful thinking and not get hung up on it! Thank you. May be tomorrow I will get going on the first two challenges. Paper stuff is fairly organized…….clutter, not so much. Happy New Year to my faceless Prairie Moon friends!

  21. Sandi says:

    For the last 4 or 5 years, I’ve made a list in Word Perfect that list UFO’s and also new starts. I will be doing 2020 list tonight. I’m trying to work mostly on UFO’s but I usually have new starts as I’ve been taking Bonnie Hunter classes and most of them are UFO’s. I will also have some new starts as I have several kits and I want to start working on some of them.

  22. Lynn says:

    I have a quilt top stared by my Granny and her stitch group. Each one embroidered their name on their block. Their is one block that says Sunshine Pals 1934. I’m going to get my stitching group to embroider their names on the blank blocks then get it quilted. The old names are so sweet….Hattie, Clara, Mildred, Myrtle, Lucy (my Granny).

  23. Peggy Long says:

    I did some reorganizing today…marked rows with numbered bread tags pinned to the first block of each row, then piled the blocks that have been laid out on my bed. Each pile is now matched with backing fabric and binding; waiting for a large plastic zip bag that will join others in a large plastic tub. There are 9 quilts (UFO’s) to be completed! Also put away laundered summer clothes from my trip, and thus, found more items to put away. I even remembered to pay my personal property tax! Oh, yes, and I made a list of the QAL’s I want to do. Hopefully, this list will be checked off better than my many times added to “To Do” list of things I need to do around the house and yard (that never seem to get done).

  24. Paula in NE Ohio says:

    I will need to think a bit about the 12 things I want to do this year. I have tried the All People Quilt list, but usually only get through the first year. I will have to search a bit for my oldest UFO. That is a great goal to finish that one. I need to also make a new cover for my quilting projects composition book. Using that helps me keep organized.

  25. Judy W. says:

    While I’m usually a planner, somehow that has never really spilled over into my quilting. Before this challenge I had already decided I would try to complete a UFO after each “other” project I completed this year. Thanks to Task 2, I now have an accurate list of my UFOs!

    My oldest UFO goes back to to late 1990s. “Helen’s Squares” are 40 9-patch blocks made from all sorts of fabric scraps from my dear (late) neighbor’s attic. I’ve decided to make them into a lap quilt. While I’ve donated or given away to family all the quilts I’ve ever made, this one I’ll be keeping for myself.

    Now to make a list of the “new” projects and the UFOs I plan to tackle in 2020…!!

  26. KT says:

    Great task! I need to finish more quilts this year–I did not whittle down my number of UFOs at all in 2019. First up is to finish a quilt for my daughter, and then to make a baby quilt for my niece who is expecting her first child. Then maybe I’ll finally finish a quilt for my bed. Thanks for these challenges!

  27. Wish I could have joined you on this, but I did enjoy reading your posts and reader comments. At some point I will be doing all these countdown challenges, but I just need to do them in my own time frame 🙂 I particularly liked going back to your post on Procrastinating….that was great!

  28. Wendy says:

    Well, I forgot to comment on this yesterday, but I have been thinking on this. I need to figure out a way to plan without feeling hemmed in, so that’s been my main stream of thought this morning.

  29. Joan says:

    Two quilts on my 2019 list of 12 were completed. I made a list for 2020 with a goal of 12 again.
    My oldest project is from the first quilting class I took–the top is done, but it’s not quilted–added that as #13. Also have hand-pieced and quilt as you go blocks, from the next class I took. Learned so much in that class, but the quilt is still in progess–added that as #14.
    It’s been fun to reminisce on these “treasures” from my quilting journey… Thanks for encouraging us to make progress.

  30. Barbara W. says:

    My list will consist of projects I hope to tackle this year. Some big, some small and always try to include one that will challenge me to try something new. I will first get my projects organized so when I am ready to work on one everything is ready to go. And if I need to take a break from one for a short time there will be another one ready to go. However, the number one thing at the top of my list will be to complete what I have started. Wish me luck!

  31. Judy Smith says:

    My list is made! Most are quilts I want to make and have the fabric pulled with only minimal cutting started. But, since my favorite activity is piecing, this should be a good year. I’ve eliminated one of my commitments so am hopeful of having more time in the sewing room. I’ve loved the end of year countdown. Thanks for doing it and Happy New Year!

  32. Debbi says:

    I’ve got a list going in my head and some ideas to keep me going forward, like working on a Christmas project x number of days/month, a UFO each month to focus on and new projects. Always more than I can realistically do. Need to get my planner started and commit to it in writing. Have lots of home improvement projects I need to get back to as well. What I truly need is the ability to accurately estimate how long something will take and a little pressure otherwise I’m guilty of all the procrastination tactics you listed, especially the napping and internet surfing! LOL

  33. Maryellen says:

    I did some of my plans yesterday, and more today. I’m an Island Batik Ambassador, so have to be organized for the monthly challenges, and have a few customs to make. I did put a bit of my goals on my blog yesterday.

  34. Susan W says:

    We were a military family so I can date my projects by remembering the base we were stationed at. (good and bad!) My finishing goals for this year are:
    -an English paper piecing sampler from when we lived in MI.
    -a hardanger doily from VA
    -machine quilt a sampler quilt from VA
    -Mariner’s Compass from WA
    -blue/yellow quilt from ND

  35. Celia says:

    I am looking forward to finishing up some more things. I actually finished my DWR from many years ago. My son and daughter-in-law love it. I am getting ready to move again so as I go through everything, I am putting the ufos on a list and putting them in their own bag, tote etc. I will try to keep them all in the same place. The hardest project is the Dresden plate that I can’t even remember what I planned to do on the borders. I did make progress last year and look forward to what I can do this year. I also decided not to make some things. What a relief! I put the fabric back with it’s friends and I can use it for something else. Thank you for the inspiration.

  36. Marlene says:

    I will continue my UFO Rule: finish an old one before I start a new one. Last year I started a Weekly Plan to stop getting distracted. Monday is work on something new (assuming the UFO Rule has been met!), Tuesday is bags, Wednesday is Quilt of Valor, Thursday is BOW/BOM day (I don’t usually do these, but I often create my own, that also helps get UFO’s finished). Friday, Saturday, & Sunday is sewer’s (me!) choice.

    Whatever someone finds that helps them be more productive and creative is the best solution. These two things have really helped me focus and get things done. Happy planning everyone and here’s to finding joy in your creativity.

  37. Sally says:

    I keep a UFO list on my desktop that helps keep me on task. It doesn’t completely stop me from starting new projects, and that is OK. I stopped keeping a running list on my blog as that ended up being another project, but will post my goals for 2020, and perhaps update it quarterly. Top of list: 2 charity lap quilts to piece, quilt, donate; finish quilt on longarm for neighbor; 3 twin charity tops to quilt, twin courthouse steps to assemble & finish, 6 twin quilts cut & ready to piece + quilt.

  38. Anne says:

    Going to use the list you just released for this year to keep me focused. I have 4 gift quilts to make this year – 3 are in progress, 1 I have some fabric for. I have not been quilting for too many years so I don’t have a lot of old WIP’s. My oldest that I want to finish is a map quilt from a class I took. As I type this, I’m thinking of more to be finished…definitely going to need a list!

  39. Kathy Garringer says:

    I make a chart in my bullet journal for UFOs, new projects, things I want to learn, and charitable projects. Over the past couple of years I have reached my goal of completing 12 UFOs and 12 charitable projects. Our modern guild is sponsoring a UFO challenge this year also.

  40. Karen says:

    Thank you, once again, for your printable list for the year. I don’t make many lists, but that one does help me.
    Basically, I just want to get the old UFO’s done this year. I will start with one that I think is my oldest, and it just needs binding done…not sure why I haven’t finished it yet?
    Thanks again for all the challenges to help motivate us!
    Hope 2020 is a super, productive year for us all!

  41. My lists are done, two quilts are cut out and in project bags with the patterns, two patterns I’ve been wanting to do are sitting on my cutting table, I’ve figured out how many QAL’s I am allowing myself to do and I’ve left time for the pattern testing that always comes up and those squirrels! I’m good to go! Thanks for the incentive!

  42. Michele says:

    I have plans. I seem to always have plans, so I’ve added a plan to follow the plan this year 😉

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