The 350 Blocks Project, 2023

Posted on January 17, 2023 by prairiemoonquilts in 350 Blocks Project

Kicking off the 12th Annual 350 Blocks Project! Hard to believe we’ve been doing this for so long (or that my blog will be 14 years old this summer).

I went back and totaled up the last 11 years of my blocks, and from 2013, when I first started keeping track, until now, I’ve made 7326 blocks! As a group, we’ve made 406,348 blocks. YOU helped with that — I know some of you have kept track over the years, too. I’d love to hear what your personal total over time is — leave a comment and let us know!

Again this year, to keep things simple, the rules will remain the same.

Anyone is welcome to join (at any time), and here is how it works:

  • • The blocks you count are your blocks, from projects of your own choosing, and they belong to you. You don’t have to send anything in. All you have to do is report to me how many blocks you made each month.
  • • As for counting, you’re on the honor system — A quilt block counts as one block.
  • • If you’re not quite sure how to count something, such as a complicated border, just divide it into sections that seem like blocks, and count them that way. For instance — four complicated borders? I’d count those as either 4 or 8 blocks, depending on how large and how complicated.
  • • What if your quilt is a modern quilt that seems like one large block? If it’s really simple, just count it as one large block, but if it’s a bit more involved, break it up into sections and count each section as a block.
  • • Your count can only include completed blocks made in 2023 (not block units), so you can go back to January 1st, and count any blocks you’ve made so far, but not back any further than that, and not the individual units that make up a completed block (units don’t count until they’re in a completed block, in other words).

Here are the general rules:

* Let me know you’re playing along

Simply comment on this post, or contact me to let me know you’re in. I delete all of the previous year’s info to start fresh, so if you are playing along again this year, please let me know again, and I’ll add you to the list. (It keeps me from getting confused — there’s a lot to keep track of.) I won’t automatically assume you want in, and this way, if you’re done playing along and want out, you can get out, no questions asked!

The web page for the 350 Blocks Project is HERE, where I list all the information regarding the project and how it’s progressing. If you’re participating, I’ll put your name (and a link to your blog if you have one) on the project page. You can jump in any time.

If you only want to do some of the months, that’s fine. You’ll be eligible for the prize that month. Can’t start till later? No problem, you can still do the months you’re able to. Just do what you can.

Our block goal for the month is posted on the Project page. It’s always just a random goal to work toward, a suggestion, really, should you need one, but you can make as many or as few blocks each month as you want to.

* Report in every month

I’ll put up a monthly blog post about the project, either on the last day of the month, or the first day of the next month, where I’ll show you some of the blocks I get done (if any). When you see one of those posts, you need to leave a comment on it, telling us all about your own progress, and either link back to your own blog post, or at least let me know how many blocks you’ve done. You can also email me directly with your current number of blocks, or use the contact page to let me know. You basically have most of the month to report in, because I announce each month’s prize winner during the report for the month after (for example, I announce the January prize winner at the end of February). But . . .  be sure to leave a comment to be eligible for the prize, because . . . if you don’t let me know you’re playing along, I won’t know to include you in the drawings!

I’ll post your number of completed blocks next to your name on the project page, so you can see how you’re doing along with everyone else. (I usually update the page about 10 days after the monthly report, and then again at the end of the month.) This is NOT a race, however, so don’t let anyone else’s total worry you, since we all have varying amounts of sewing time and work on different types of projects. Everyone who reports in is eligible for the prizes. I repeat, it’s not a contest, it’s just for fun! And prizes!

Monthly prizes

At the end of each month, I’ll have a prize drawing for those who have made progress that month. I’ll draw one random winner from everyone who reports in that month. What this means is: You MUST report in each month in order to be eligible for that month’s prize drawing, even if your total is ZERO, which happens to the best of us.

If you’d like to be reminded when the report goes up, you can subscribe to all the latest News From the Ranch by filling out the form at the top of the sidebar, and you’ll automatically get an email when there’s anything new!

* Grand Prizes

At the end of the year, there will be some Grand Prizes. If you actually meet the goal of 350 blocks, you’re eligible for the big Grand Prize, and if you don’t quite make it, you’re still eligible to win some prizes just for participating. Everyone who has reported in at least six times during the Project is eligible for the final prize drawings. This rule is in place simply to be more fair to those who report in regularly. I don’t feel it’s fair to award a prize to someone who reports in one time in January then never reports in again, over someone who reports in regularly.

So are you ready?

The main Project page can be found HERE, where you can see current information, a list of participants and their numbers, and links to past statistics and winners posts.

Once again, to track my blocks this year, I’ll be using the free printable I designed for this purpose. It still works better than any other method I’ve tried, so I’m not gonna mess with a good thing. I already have the January list taped to my studio chalkboard.

Here’s an example of how I use mine:

Here’s the link again, if you’d like to use it, too. Simply click here to download it: 350BlockTracker

So here we go again! I’ll be thrilled to have you join in!

65 responses to “The 350 Blocks Project, 2023”

  1. Sally H says:

    I’m in! It’s so fun to see everyone’s numbers.

  2. Barbara B says:

    I’m in, thank you for doing this again.

  3. Dianne D says:

    I’m in! And looking forward to it!

  4. denniele says:

    I am game for 2023!!!

  5. Becky Cogan says:

    Count me in.

  6. Pam Desilets says:

    Yes, please count me in!!

  7. I love the connection and I did 993? almost made 1000 this year. Sign me in…

  8. Beverly V says:

    I am in although I don’t get a lot of time to sew. I like the challenge. Thanks for doing this.

  9. Tanya says:

    Yes please, sign me up! Thank you for all your hard work doing this for us. 😊

  10. I’m in. This is something new for me.

  11. Sharon Gratz says:

    Count me in, too! I finally was able to get my machine moved in with me yesterday!!!! Yippee,……one block already done. 🙂

  12. Kathi Benchley says:

    Please count me in!

  13. Debbi says:

    Count me in! It keeps me motivated.

  14. I’m in–I like the monthly motivation!

  15. Wanda Marvel says:

    I’m in 350 for 2023
    Thank you for your work

  16. Wendy says:

    I’m in for another year, Shelly! Thanks for organizing this!

  17. I ready to do this again in 2023! Thanks for coordinating it.

  18. Cindy Wienstroer says:

    I want to play! It is fun to see what i get done (or not☹️). Thanks again for helping us.

  19. Karen E. says:

    I’m in for ‘23! Thank you for doing this. It’s great to see what you’re doing and everyone else too.

  20. Celia says:

    I am in. Hopefully, this year I can actually keep track of my count.

  21. PAULA M MO says:

    Count me in too!

  22. Rose Marie Smith says:

    Let’s go!!! I love this part of my quilting life a lot.

  23. Ginabeth says:

    I’m in for 2023! This is such a motivator📍

  24. Moira says:

    Newbie here. But count me in.

  25. Judy Carriere says:

    First-timer. Looking forward to seeing how many I do.

  26. Lorri says:

    Thank you for letting me join in the fun.

  27. Fran says:

    Yes, count me in. Thank you for continuing this! You keep me motivated!

  28. Amanda M. says:

    I’m in!! I’ve already been keeping track. I don’t have my notebook right in front of me to tell you how many blocks I’ve made since signing up. I do know it was probably January 2018 that I signed up for the first time. Not sure that my records go back that far. I didn’t use a notebook in the beginning…

    • Amanda M. says:

      3,199 blocks total for years 2019-2022. 2018 records were lost because they were just scribbled on scraps of paper.

  29. Joan says:

    4084 blocks completed between 2019 and 2022.
    With all this snow and cold, I’m up to 57 blocks already for January! And lots of scraps used in log cabin blocks–enough to start putting a top together soon. Thanks for keeping track of all of this.

  30. I’m off to a slow start for January, but count me in anyway. Looking forward to another productive year!

  31. KT says:

    Count me in–thank you for doing this again!

  32. Louise says:

    I’m in. Having to report my totals every month is a great motivator.

  33. Carissa says:

    Thank you for hosting this again, Shelly! I have found this to be so motivating that I’m definitely joining in again this year!

  34. Bev C. says:

    Count me in.

  35. Marlene Clausen says:

    Back in again.

  36. Shirley Guier says:

    I’m in!

  37. Yes, count me in again please! I don’t always reach the 350 goal, but this is such a good motivator. I keep the same kind of chart with hash marks after the various blocks I complete. It’s on the design wall so it’s always handy.

  38. Diana S says:

    I am in again this year. Hope to do better than in 2022. Off year for me!

  39. Diana S says:

    Shelly, I think there should be 427 after my name. 35 for Oct and 5 for Nov.

  40. Barb Roberts says:

    I’m in for another year Shelly. Thanks!

  41. Susan S. says:

    I am in! Let’s not talk about 2022.
    any block I make this year will be an achievement. thanks for doing this.

  42. Marsha Parkhill says:

    I’m in for 2023. Thanks for continuing to do this project.

  43. Raewyn says:

    Yes please, I’d love to join in again!

  44. Ceil Podzimek says:

    Count me in again this year! Hopefully, I’ll get more for 2023.

  45. Clara says:

    Happy New Year, Shelly.
    I’m ready for another year of counting. It helps to set a goal.

  46. Connie S Wolfe says:

    Found your Block Challenge post, read it and swirled the idea around and around this week. I am in! Thank you for organizing this fun, quilty, socializing type activity.
    Connie W.

  47. Brenda Hulsey says:

    I’d like to join in please. I have gotten a 328 done already. Thanks!

  48. Paula Mu says:

    Please add my name to your list of participants in 2023. This is always so much fun. I have participated for 4 years, and in that time I have made 3570 blocks.
    Thanks again, Shelly for organizing this fun activity.

  49. Marcia in TX says:

    I’m in. Didn’t do it last year and got absolutely nothing done. Quite a few machine embroidery but no quilt blocks.

  50. You can count me in again Shelly. I love it.

  51. Hi Shelly. I’m in again this year! Hopefully it will be a better year than 2022. I did make my 350 blocks last year but need to get back to sewing again! 😉

  52. Deanna says:

    Count me in. Again. January is looking good already. I will never be the block leader in this lifetime, but I love keeping track and watching it add up.

  53. Michelle says:

    What a fun idea! This will be my first time playing along. 350 will be out of my reach, but I love the idea of watching them add up.

  54. Ioleen says:

    I’m going to join! I’m signed up for 3 qals so I have blocks made already. Great way to help me stay on track.

  55. Danice says:

    Count me in again this year. It is always so much fun to see all of the pretty blocks that you make.

  56. Stephanie says:

    I’m very much IN again. It has already been a pretty blocky January.

  57. Wanda Marvel says:

    January 2023
    31 blocks

  58. I’m joining in 🙂 It’s my first time, so let’s see how it goes! xx

  59. Susan says:

    Definitely back for another year … a better one, I hope!

  60. Kat P. says:

    I just found your blog through another blog. I’d like to play along, thank you!

  61. Pam Desilets says:

    48 blocks for me for January

  62. Margaret says:

    I’m in on the block count

  63. Wanda says:

    December 9 blocks

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