June 350 Blocks Report

Posted on July 1, 2021 by prairiemoonquilts in 350 Blocks Project

Well, it’s a good thing I’ve previously had a couple of good block-making months, because this past month was definitely not one of them!

I ended up with a total of 9 for June.

Here are two of them:

I also made 5 little Churn Dash blocks, and got a 2-block start on the new Block-of-the-Month coming soon, which, of course, I can’t show you yet. Boring, I know. I’m hoping July will be more interesting and productive.

So how did you do?

It’s time to report in with your totals. I have the Project Page updated. Our new block goal for July is 31 blocks, which will get us to a yearly total of 197. This year is officially half over — how can that be???

The monthly prize winner for May is Tonia. She’s up to 121 blocks so far this year.

I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July holiday weekend, and get lots of quilting time the rest of the month!

58 responses to “June 350 Blocks Report”

  1. Clara says:

    Happy 4th of July to you and your family, Shelly!
    32 blocks for me this month. Next step-sewing rows together. Gardening has been a top priority here. Our yard is full of blooming plants.

  2. Sally H says:

    Have a happy and safe 4th of July. 174 blocks total for the month, including a leader-ender project that took over, but so glad to have the little bricks blocks done!

  3. Randy Menninghaus says:

    hi 71 for me…. happy fourth

  4. KT says:

    It was a good month for me–school ended–I finished 76 blocks, which is a lot for me! Summer classes start on Monday, and the garden needs attention, but it is raining today so a good day to sew!

  5. Fran says:

    I was so excited to make 158 blocks in June.

  6. I got 58 blocks made this month

  7. Wanda says:

    29 blocks May

  8. PAULA M MORGAN says:

    84 block for me, I am into day 3 of my 15-30 min of putting things away….I spent some time mending “misplaced” blocks in my Kira quilt. Happy and safe Independence Day everyone!

  9. Debra Freese says:

    43 total for me in June.
    About half of those were for a doll quilt. My daughter’s sewing guild is making doll clothes and accessories for a Christmas project and I had fun making the little quilt to donate.
    The other blocks were used for a Chandelier table runner for my daughter-in-law’s birthday. I used the fabric line “Flowers for Freya “, that I love.
    I’m slowly catching up with the long arm quilting.
    Also on my design wall is a half completed 60* triangle one patch quilt top that I’m making with repurposed mens shirts + some fabrics from my stash. I don’t know how to count those so I’ll wait until it’s done and figure something out.

  10. Deanna says:

    June added 71 blocks to my total. The hot weather kept me inside more and assisted the cause. Hoping for a strong July as well.

  11. christopher thomas says:

    Happy 4th of July one and all.

    I had a very good month in the block department with a grand total of 1642, a lot of them was sig blocks for a party we are having in September so I have gotten that task out of the way.

    Hope everyone is getting there quilting done and is having a great year

  12. Ceil Podzimek says:

    I completed 50 blocks for June – 13 blocks for my guild’s BOHO Heart quilt along and 37 for a self-designed heart quilt. I did get my Krista Moser Double Struck Star throw quilted and bound.

  13. Ginny says:

    Happy 4th to all!
    Was able to us a machine in our camper for a little sewing. 10 blocks for my Spiral quilt; I started at a retreat about 4 years ago.
    Bad was a broke my machine hemming denim shorts for my husband. Found a repair man but it will take time as parts need to be ordered

  14. Paula Mu in NE OH says:

    I finished 19 blocks this month. I made a cute free “I love America” block, 3 Riley Blake blocks, 2 charity blocks from a shop hop, 4 Color Factory blocks and I caught up with Springtime in Arrow Rock (9 blocks). That’s it. Hopefully I will sew more in July.

  15. Wendy Tuma says:

    44 blocks for me. Happy 4th to you & the Cowboy, Shelly!

  16. Marilyn Holder says:

    Total for June is 8. Trying to plant herbs and flowers in the yard…cannot do both yard work and sewing in same day, but still pushing ahead.

  17. Pam Desilets says:

    Happy 4th to everyone
    I completed 90 blocks for June.

  18. Kathi Benchley says:

    Happy 4th of July!
    I managed(!) to complete 1 whole block in June. Sewing just wasn’t high on my list of priorities!

  19. Julie M. says:

    I was able to complete 36 blocks for the month.

  20. Barbara B says:

    42 blocks for June

  21. denniele says:

    Another month of zero! Yikes! Happy 4th to you!

  22. Stephanie says:

    Less block making and more finishing for me this time.
    But I still managed to make some simple blocks for two donation quilts, 20 for one, and 30 for the other for a total of 50.

  23. 1 block for me. I did cut the other 3 blocks to go with this one, I didn’t have much time to sew in June. Hence only 1 block to go to my total.

  24. Cindy W. says:

    I did better than i thought i would – a baby quilt was 9 blocks, an appliqué wall hanging-1 block, 4 small flag blocks, 1 pieced back, 1 scrappy star and i sat down and worked on string blocks (66). So had a total of 82. Hope everyone has a fun, safe fourth – we get to see our grandbaby!

  25. Linda Knight says:

    I made only 5 blocks this month and quilted and bound one quilt. But the good thing is we got a few weeks off for vacation and went to Arizona to visit kids and grand kids who we hadn’t been able to see in 2 years. It was very hot but still good!

  26. Sharon Gratz says:

    35 June blocks for me, Shelly.

  27. Louise says:

    85 for me this month.

  28. Marsha Y. says:

    Count for June is 16 blocks! I had such great plans trying to work in making blocks and still get machine quilting done and I was doing pretty good until Monday. Then several things happened to shut down sewing including my husband having an emergency appendectomy. Hoping July is a better month because I need 41 more blocks in order to finish a quilt for a bridal shower by August 1st.

  29. Elaine W says:

    Well, I got 41 blocks done in June. I did several at a retreat and feels like it should be more. I worked on completing a couple of UFO’s instead of sewing blocks. I made 4 table runners for the 4th of July, so all is good. Happy celebrating everyone.

  30. Diana S says:

    A total of 18 for the month of June. 12 Log Cabin blocks for tabled runners and 6 Mega Illusion blocks for the Martelli re-retreat. Had hoped to get more sewn but no such luck. Maybe July will be better! Happy 4th of July. Our one pup will be spending a lot of time in the closet. She hates loud noises. Our old girl is getting hard of hearing. Good thing over the 4th!

  31. Amanda M. says:

    I made 15 blocks for 3 different projects in June. I had hoped for a better month than that. I really need to find motivation and crank out more blocks and more baby quilts so that the kids aren’t starting kindergarten when receiving their baby quilts. Happy 4th of July everyone!

  32. Coralie Wallace says:

    June block count is 9. Jungle animals for a baby quilt.

  33. Joan says:

    Nine blocks done this month. Finished “Down Home Darling” quilt top–yeah!

  34. Kathy Parks says:

    Worked most of the month on unpacking my sewing studio. It going to take forever to get it set up. I did manage to squeek out 10 blocks.

  35. Debra Freese says:

    43 blocks for me.
    Made a doll quilt for a charity project and a table runner for my DIL.
    Catching up on long arm quilting.

  36. Christi Bentley says:

    125 for me………I did the flags for the Sew Sweet quilt along (just the blocks, quilt not finished), another challenge block, a couple of table runners, more Christmas village blocks, and some others for ongoing projects.

  37. Marlene Clausen says:

    57 blocks for June. The “start a new project” resulted in making 56 blocks and piecing a QOV top. The 57th block was the final block in a BOM. I finished quilting/binding/labeling three UFO quilts. I just-pin basted my first of July’s UFO’s. Plans for July are mostly quilting UFO’s plus a small birthday gift and starting a new BOM. Happy 4th to everyone!

  38. Rose Marie Smith says:

    I made a total of 25 blocks this month. 6 of them are Arrowhead blocks!! Woo-hoo!!
    One of them was the final block in a quilt that got put together and bordered finally yesterday. But 440 some squares pieced into sashing doesn’t count, I guess. See how quilters’ time is erased!!
    Thanks for the challenge.

  39. Angie in SoCal says:

    I made 19 in this fraught month. Finding less time to sew as I’m caregiving for my Mom. I’ll be singing God Bless America on the 4th, Sherry. Blessings,

  40. Suelynn Williams says:

    I completed 16 blocks. A few of them are time consuming, and I look forward to finishing the rest of those this month.
    Enjoy the 4th of July weekend!

  41. Marsha Parkhill says:

    10 blocks for me.

  42. Becky Cogan says:

    I got 30 blocks completed this month. It was a busy but fun time helping Renee at KCRQF. Have a Happy 4th of July.

  43. Mary D. says:

    I have 59 for June. I made enough blocks to make two of the Sew Sweet flag quilt. One quilt is all finished. I also made a dinosaur quilt for my grandson, a tablerunner and some potholders. Lots of fun sewing!

  44. Christine says:

    I made 54 blocks in June. All were scrappy triangles for a charity BoM drive. It felt good mailing them off, not needing to make them into tops myself 🙂
    Happy 4th July!

  45. Maxine E says:

    I didn’t sew any blocks for June. We had company and then I went on a cross country road trip with the daughters. Washington to Virginia. I am so happy to be home! My grand furbabies missed me but I think they were happy to have their mamas home more. I am hoping to get quite a lot done in July. New babies are joining the family soon (not immediate family 🙁 but nephews’ wives) I am never going to be a grandma!

  46. Karen E. says:

    I got 182 blocks made during June for a YTD total of 911. I hope everyone has a great, safe 4th of July weekend.

  47. I ended up with a total of 186 blocks for June, almost half of them for two quilts for the Positivity QAL.
    Have a great 4th of July!

  48. Shirley Guier says:

    36 blocks for June. I made a quilt for our alumni association to be auctioned off and I got the whole thing done! It turned out great.

  49. Debbi says:

    I did pretty good this month…125 blocks. And got a flimsy made. The blocks were pretty simple hourglass blocks, but I’ll take it. Also progressed on my block of the month and made a watercolor wreath small wall hanging. Sure helps to go to a retreat and having some undivided time for sewing!

  50. Beverly says:

    40 for May and June since I forgot to write
    I’m back in the mood! Yea

  51. Barb Roberts says:

    I managed 93 blocks for the month of June, for two quilt tops and one little mini.

  52. Hi Shelley. Had a grand total of 41 blocks this month for a YTD total of 281 blocks 😢
    Here’s a link to my list:

  53. katie z. says:


    53 new blocks for 372. I can’t remember if I reported last month… life is like that anymore!

  54. Shirley B says:

    I made 12 blocks in June.

  55. Carissa says:

    I managed only 2. So glad that I had a productive month in May!

  56. Pam Martin says:

    18 stained glass blocks
    64 carpenter star blocks
    20 mystery blocks for guild
    102 blocks total

  57. Judy Smith says:

    40 blocks for me this month.

  58. Diane says:

    Goodness, July is near finished and I didn’t even report my June blocks. I have a total of 42 blocks for June –
    12 – 30’s Square Dance, 12 – Civil War Square Dance Rolling 9 Patch – 6 and Framed Vintage Linen Blocks is 11. Sew many projects I need to sew faster.

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