July Studio Organizing, Task One

Posted on July 12, 2021 by prairiemoonquilts in Studio Organizing Challenge

The tasks feel like they’re all starting to run together — I guess it’s just that time of year. I’m in overwhelm mode and can’t seem to get out of it.

As for my sewing machine cleaning . . . well, I just managed to finish that over the weekend. Since I hadn’t been using it too much, I kept putting it off. And I’m still putting off finding a “real” place to take it for service. I can’t decide when it might be a good time to be without it — that’s like trying to decide when it would be a good time to have a broken finger!

And now it’s already time for another task! Here it is:

I will confess right now that I put back the first card I drew, simply because my brain thought it sounded too difficult right now (see “overwhelm mode” above). This one is more like what I need at the moment.

So I will look around and see what is bothering me the most and try to get that under control before it’s time for the next challenge. I’ll let you know what I decide.

What task will YOU be choosing?

22 responses to “July Studio Organizing, Task One”

  1. Beverly V. says:

    I just went through scrap batting and made a armrest for the camper. My husband loved it and can’t wait to use it. Used scrap material to cover it, so it was a great project to clean out things and make something useful.

  2. Christi Bentley says:

    Well, my hubster helped me clean my machines last month, and I just cleaned my longarm, but what I really need to do is SWEEP THE FLOOR! It’s got so much thread and lint on it that I am starting to track it down the stairs and into the rest of the house. I realize that’s not organizing, but it really, really needs to be done.

    • Ginabeth says:

      One of the things I do to help stop the tracking is put an area rug just inside my sewing room door. It does not catch all the thread, about 10% escapes. But the majority stays on the rug. I have a hard surface in my room.
      Hope this helps giquilt

      • Barb Roberts says:

        Great idea, I need to do this. I’m always tracking threads and bits up the stairs into the entryway and living room. Now to see if I have a suitable rug. 😉

      • Great info regarding an area rug. We are soon to begin rebuilding our house from a wildfire. In looking at flooring, I am trying to choose between hardwood or low loop pile carpet for my sewing room.

        • Marlene Clausen says:

          I have never like carpeting; but, it is an ultra-no-no in my sewing room. I finally got the old one ripped out that the previous owner and put down. Pins, needles, cat hair, lint, thread, and batting bits are nearly impossible to get out of carpeting. My sewing room is being redone ceiling to floor and, unfortunately, the original hardwood floor can’t be saved. So sorry about your loss. I am sure you will be very happy to get into your new sewing room.

  3. Hi – boy do I feel the same way!! Running around in circles – vacuum, clean out the refrigerator,
    mow the yard, Help !!!

  4. Hmmm, I have so many tasks that need done! I’m still trying to get the shop integrated into my home studio. And get quilts done too! I will probably opt for getting more shop boxes taken upstairs and dealt with. I’ll try to keep track of how many I do!

  5. Sandy Hughes says:

    I can’t sew with shoes on so I wear socks instead. Before I go upstairs I take the socks off and all the threads stay downstairs. Works for me!

  6. Cindy Wienstroer says:

    I need to visit my cousin in OK to do some longarm quilting and to “share the wealth” – I have gathered fabric & batting for her but now need to get it out of my house into her quilting barn! I have one hand sewing started from my UFO’s and need to cut out one that is planned.

  7. K. Edwards says:

    I’ll be picking up several quilts from my longarmer this week and two are baby quilts that need to be bound, labeled and given to the babies. The others will need to be bound as well so I can have them counted as UFOs I’ve completed this year. So—lots of binding and not as much block-making for awhile!

  8. Debbi says:

    I just cleared my floor space and put away fabrics. Feels really good not to have to step around bins on the floor in the limited space as it is. Had to have a little surgery and thought I’d be laid up more, however not the case, but it was a good motivator for me. Now I’m just going to sew and catch up on my BOM’s the rest of the month without guilt😊. Hope you can get caught up a bit too…even doing something small can help with the overwhelm. Hang in there!

  9. Paula says:

    Most of this month I have done the 15/30 min put away-I have lost 2 sets of keys to my craft room and spare to my car- haven’t found those but found a gift card to have my toes done dated 2019! Also found sewing machine cleaning kit! I think my pick will be separating my scraps by warm / cool I have 3 large bins might be time….

  10. Paula Hedges says:

    Geez, Shelley, I’m also feeling overwhelmed and in control of nothing! Power outages, air conditioning not responding to the power coming on the last time (it got so hot it burned up a capacitor working so hard!), waiting over a week for the repair person while I sweat, air hot with light smoke and lots of whatever makes my allergies go on super drive, and meaningful sewing not happening, but my rooms look pretty cleaned up! We will regain control – when is questionable. But keep smiling!

  11. Amanda M. says:

    I need to clean off the end of my cutting table that seems to accumulate odds and ends. Right now I’m knee deep in black berries, just picked 2 gallons and never got through the patch before dark. Since we’re forecast to have a dry day tomorrow I’m back to work; so much rain over the weekend I was able to kayak in the water in the grader ditch. It’s amazing what I’ll do to avoid quilting when I’m not in the right notion.

  12. Hi Shelly. This challenge is perfect for me right now; a reaction to the vaccine (second shot), wildfires, smoke, helicopter noise and temperatures of 52c in the shade on some days. My goal will be to catch up on emails, blog posts and cut/ organize a hand sewing project (EPP) that I’ve been wanting to start for months.

  13. christopher thomas says:

    that is a open book task and I have no ideal of what to do as of right now but i will figure out something and get it done….if i had to choose I would say get all my fabric in colors and go from there….as I am bad about putting them in color groups……

  14. Angie in SoCal says:

    I’m not doing well with the heat. Last year, 96 would have me nauseous, applying cold compresses and taking to my bed. This year, 91 does it. I have to stay inside, but even then can get to me. At least I have some air conditioning. Quilting is really slow around here. Anyone have some real estate in a cold place?

  15. I have a thread drawer that is bugging me. I need to get in and arrange it so I can find the colors when I need them.

  16. Suzette Harris says:

    Putting away will be my task. I’ve really made good inroads but have to keep going!

  17. Darlene says:

    Perfect challenge- my sewing room feels like it is closing in. I have been trying to put away pulled out fabric. Trying so hard to get my cutting table unburied. I have a problem with seeing a pattern printing it putting it on top of the stack, I am afraid to file them or I will forget about them. I tried making a list didn’t work well for me. Not much sewing time these past few weeks.

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