February Studio Organizing, Task One

Posted on February 10, 2022 by prairiemoonquilts in Studio Organizing Challenge

Well, did you get a closet or a cabinet cleaned out?

My confession: epic fail. Never even opened the door on that closet!

What I DID do is up-end my entire fabric organization system and start re-doing it. And I’m gonna have to keep working on it till it’s done because I have it scattered all over my sewing room!

But I’m not gonna force you into it with me. This time our task is:

Because you know best what you need to work on this time, and you can choose whatever is pulling at you the most.

Use this time to finish up a task you started and haven’t finished yet (like reorganizing your entire fabric stash!), or to go back and do one you didn’t get to do earlier.

Or choose something you need to do that’s never even been mentioned here because it is specific to your individual situation.

If you need some ideas or suggestions, you can peruse past tasks we’ve done HERE. If you have a deck of the cards, you can randomly draw one out and see if that is something you need to work on.

I’ll be interested in hearing what you choose to work on . . .

Meanwhile, I’ll be over here rearranging fabric!

10 responses to “February Studio Organizing, Task One”

  1. Cindy Wienstroer says:

    Have fun petting your fabric stash! I need to declutter the scraps, triangle ends, & put things away. I also failed my closet cleaning but it was not a high priority. Enjoy these “take time to do” tasks. Thanks

  2. Here is the link to my post.
    I am cleaning out under the long arm. That is what is bothering me the most.

  3. Karen E. says:

    I’ve ended up with TWO wagons in my studio! One is okay with me, but two isn’t, so my task is to figure out where to put everything in the second wagon and keep it downstairs til I need it for a retreat.

  4. Coralie Wallace says:

    I have gone through and recycled lots of paper. It has cleared out nearly 20 folders of patterns, hints, tips etc. collected over the years. It doesn’t look like much of a difference but it helps.

  5. christopher thomas says:

    I had already did my closets and took a bunch of clothes and stuff to the thrift store…..been working on the sewing room and i am in hopes to have it done by the end of Feb and will post pictures on the 10,000 block challange

  6. Debbi says:

    I had to check back with last month to see what my task was and am surprised and pleased to report that yes! I did empty my tub “closet” of the projects and inventoried and relocated all my handwork projects. For task two I’m going to attempt to put away a basket of fabric, that there is no room for, and find a place other than the bathroom for my fat quarter bins storage. It’s the next step in getting that bathroom updated.

  7. Joan says:

    I got off to a good start on last times project, but it dwindled unfinished… SO with this remined from you, I will start again from where I left off. My issue continues to be “capacity”. Thanks for motivating us!

  8. Amanda M. says:

    I never touched anything last month. My worst problem is flat surfaces so I’ll concentrate on cleaning those off.

  9. Karen says:

    I didn’t finish re-organizing the cabinet drawers that I’d wanted to, so I’ll keep at that. Thanks for the reminder and push to keep at this stuff!

  10. Hi Shelly. I can say if did clean out my closet and 2 bags were donated to the thrift store. I did pack away one box of favourites “in case” I gain weight again (fingers crossed for no more surgeries and the Pandemic lockdowns will end one day). Now my next project is to go through my bins of flimsies, backing and bindings and make sure I love them enough to want to finish them. 😳

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