December 350 Blocks Report

Posted on January 1, 2015 by prairiemoonquilts in 350 Blocks Project

Well, it’s time for our final reports. There’s zero chance of getting any more blocks made in 2014 at this point!

How many did you end up with?

I made 30 more blocks and don’t have one single picture of any of them. But that leaves my final total at 620 for the year — woohoo! 350 wasn’t so hard after all!

Ten of them were more of these little things:


How did you all do in your final month?

Some of you were already there, so you didn’t have to push yourselves. Some of you put on a last hoorah and upped your totals. Some of you worked on putting your blocks into finished projects rather than worrying about the totals. Which is quite admirable, I must say!

Leave your comments below with your December numbers, and I’ll get all the totals updated on the 350 Blocks page. You can look to see how you compared with the others in the Project. We were all over the place on numbers.

And now that we’re done counting, that means it’s time for the prizes! EEEeee!!

I will draw for a December monthly prize winner, but I’ll also be drawing for a Grand Prize winner, and three additional prize winners. I will do that on January 10th.

While this is not a race, or a competition, the Grand Prize winner will be drawn at random from only those who got at least 350 blocks made during the year. The other 3 prizes will be drawn at random from among everyone who participated, no matter how many blocks you got finished.

The Grand Prize is a prize package valued at over $130. The other three prize packages are pretty nice, too, each valued at just over $60. Hey, you worked hard for the chance at this, right? I gotta make it worth your while!

Seriously, I truly appreciate each of you who participated. I really enjoy seeing what you’re working on, hearing about your projects, and getting inspired by your creativity. I hope you enjoyed it.

Do you wanna do it again next year?

0 responses to “December 350 Blocks Report”

  1. Deanna says:

    December was very productive for me and I finished a high-for-the-year 66 blocks. Yay! That puts me at 369 for the year. It wasn’t nearly as many as last year, but, all things considered, I am pleased.

    I really hope you will do it again. You can count me in if you do. It is fun to keep track and cheer each other on.

    A happy new year to you!


  2. Judy Smith says:

    By all means, let’s do it again. It not only kept me motivated, it generated such a feeling of accomplishment.

  3. Susan says:

    My blog post shows the results of 24 for December and a finish of 387 for the year. Less than last year, but still reached goal, and it was a heck of a year! I’m in again!

  4. Cathy says:

    I really enjoyed keeping track of my blocks, please keep this up. It helps me to keep count. Thanks for all your work on doing this monthly. I only did 2 blocks this month bring my yearly total to 424.
    Thanks again.

  5. Sue H says:

    59 blocks- I would love to do again next year. Thanks for your inspiration! Hope you have a productive and organized 2015!

  6. denniele says:

    Yikes…add another 56. Was a great year I think! Thanks for making it easy to keep track of. Have a great 2015! I will be watching and cheering you on! 😉

  7. Linda Knight says:

    I got 20 made but it made 2 more baby quilt tops for donation.

  8. Cathy Poyner says:

    I have not been counting, since I reached the goal. Here are the ones that I remember:

    Strip Twist 6
    Easy Street 64 “sitting turkeys”

    This may get me up to over 500, but I am sure that I made many more. Thanks for doing this even though I kind of lost my momentum.

  9. Lori says:

    My total for the month was only 23…but actually, that felt like a lot as compared to most months this year.

    I am definitely in for 2015…headed to my workroom now, in homies of making the year’s total today. Yes, today. Will it happen? Of course not, but I will get started!

    Thanks for hosting this, Shelly. Even though I’m a slowpoke, I love having something to push me forward.

  10. Julie in Tucson, Arizona says:

    18 blocks for December. I’d like to do this again.

  11. Bobbi says:

    Hey, Shelly. I finished 80 blocks in December! Now that all of my secret projects have been gifted, I went back and wrote up a post with all of my blocks for the year. In so doing, I realized that I had forgotten to count some! My 2014 total is 780 blocks. I never would have guessed that it had gotten that high. Thanks so much for hosting the challenge. It’s fun to look back and see what everyone accomplished.

  12. Andrea O'Brien says:

    I have been working on the Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt so that has kept me busy. I got 300 blocks done in December.

  13. Mary Streeter says:

    I made 26 blocks in December.

  14. Dee Dee says:

    I hope you continue doing the block report as I would like to join in on the fun. Are there any rules that explain what you can count for a block? If I were to make a tumbler quilt, does each tumbler count as a block or should I could 6 tumblers as a block?

  15. Maxine says:

    I completed 78 blocks! YAY.. I would do this again! 🙂 It’s been fun!

  16. I’m in but I lost count this year. I’ve come up with a plan, though and have a white board by my downstairs sewing machine and am posting a simple notebook page by my upstairs machine. I’m a tad organizationally challenged but between those and the studio challenge, I should be on track next year!

  17. linda kowalski says:

    Wow…I only did 8…a lot of piecing going on

  18. Bari says:

    Happy New Year! I can’t say that this has been the most productive year for me quilting-wise. I haven’t sewn much at all since summer but did work on some projects over the last couple of months. I am not sure when I last reported my totals, but for this month I worked up 29 blocks, 20 for a memory quilt and 9 for a baby quilt.

    That makes my total for the year at 279 blocks.

    Not great, but there is always next year!

  19. Terri Gross says:

    I did 25 blocks. I coulndt tell you what my year total is. I just rehabed my room and havent found my notes yet.

  20. Martha says:

    I want to join, too! Since I will retire this year, I might even manage to make it to 350!

  21. Kathy says:

    I really would like to be in again. Love doing it. I couldn’t do a lot after mid summer, but I would like to try again. Thank you for keeping us on our toes. It makes it so much fun. My goal for 2016 is to work on and finish a quilt a month. At least lap size or bigger. Depends on the pattern. And Happy New Year to you and your’s.

  22. KT says:

    I only finished 10 blocks in December, but turned those blocks I made earlier in the year into 4 quilts as gifts for Christmas, so I was busy quilting! I also started the new Bonnie Hunter mystery, so made lots of block components, but no blocks yet. Thanks for hosting this challenge–it’s fun to keep track of how much I actually get done each month.

  23. Rose Marie says:

    I managed to get 21 blocks done this month!! Woo-Hoo!

    I also cut out 80 hexie pieces for that new quilt I started. Not pieced but traced and cut out carefully. That was a chore.

  24. Barbara Dawson says:

    I did not get any blocks made this month. I had been using the church to sew but a couple of people didn’t think that was proper use of the church. I am working on cleaning up my house to be able to sew there. I am a hoarder. But am getting it done.
    I think I made the 350 goal.

  25. Barb Bevell says:

    Shelly, add in 329 more to my total (Dec=329). December was a good month. I have been working hard to keep up with a mystery quilt I’m working on. Even finished a baby quilt and a bag for Christmas gifts.

    YES, I want to do this again!

    Thanks for the incentive to do a little bit each month!

  26. Janet Volz says:

    I sent this yesterday but don’t see it here so am sending it again, if you got the first one, sorry for the duplication. I did 145 blocks in December. I am in for 2015 this keeps me motivated. Have a good year.

  27. Susan says:

    I had an extra productive final 3 days and completed 171 blocks, including the settings for my Farmer’s Wife blocks.

    I squeaked by with 354 blocks, but some were rather complex and not quick sews.

  28. Karen says:

    For December I made 39 blocks. Since I joined in July I have made 275 blocks. I am please with this many blocks for 6 months,

  29. Karen says:

    I would like to participate again this year. Thanks for keeping me on task.

  30. donna says:

    yes I would

  31. Jenny M says:

    I sewed 38 blocks this month and finished a long time UFO. I would join in again should you do it for 2015.

  32. katieQ says:

    I didn’t sew a thing in November and December. I sewed a few blocks in September and October, but didn’t blog about them, so I will stick to the 529 that I accounted for in August. Although I fizzled out in the last quarter of the year, I am still delighted with the blocks I finished. Thank you for sponsoring the block project and encouraging all of us to keep working toward our goals. It was fun to see the totals posted each month. I’m eager to see how much I can accomplish in 2015.

  33. Celine says:

    I didn’t manage 30 in December but finished 23 blocks this month

  34. Celine says:

    Thanks for the motivation. I’d love to do it again this new year! And maybe I’ll reach 350 blocks this time.

  35. Jane B says:

    Sorry this report is so late in the year. My December total was pitiful because I was busy (like many others) making the parts of Bonnie Hunter’s new mystery quilt. I made 7 blocks as Leader/Enders during the chain piecing of all the block parts. I have more than 50% of all the clues done and 3 done completely, so I am going to start assembling blocks before the end of the month.

    This month is already off to a good start thanks to a “squirrel” moment on Instagram. I saw a block on Material Girl quilts that she downsized from a quilt along. Jessica who blogs at A Little Gray is the designer. Her version finishes at 7″. The downsized version finishes at 5″. I’ve made two so far and have three more cut out. The block is called Inside Addition and it is cute as a bug’s ear. Here is the link, if you want a look:

  36. December was mostly spent focusing on gifts and assembling quilts rather than making blocks–I only got 3 blocks made.
    I hope you will continue the challenge for 2015.

  37. Well, I have not gotten many blocks done over the past 2 months. I made 10 embroidered mug rugs to make my grand total for the year 392. I’m pretty proud of myself!!!!!

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