August Studio Organizing, Task One

Posted on August 17, 2022 by prairiemoonquilts in Studio Organizing Challenge

I’m a bit late posting this, but that’s because I haven’t been doing any organizing. My mojo is gone, and my upper appendages are still fairly useless, so I haven’t been getting much of anything accomplished.

So this task is, again, not really a “task” at all — it’s some more links you might like to check out.

In all my internet travels, I’ve run across several things that might come in handy to help us get our projects organized, or help us move the projects along a bit more smoothly.

This first one is the Quilter’s Weekly Planner, by Lisa Donnelly. You can download the form, and she walks you through various ways to use it.

Lisa also runs The WIP Lounge from her site Wild Plum Lane, where you can get extra encouragement and motivation to finish those projects from a community of other people who want the same thing!

Here’s a challenge form I’ve used a couple times this summer, simply for trying to keep myself moving forward on something . . . anything . . . while my mojo is on vacation. It’s from Sherri at A Quilting Life, and it’s called the 10-Day Challenge — ten days seems doable when you can sort of see the end from the beginning.

And Katy over at Katy Quilts decided to take an inventory of her UFOs to try and get her mojo back, so she’s showing her projects and talking about where she’s at with some of them HERE. And HERE. I thought it might provide some inspiration for us to figure out what to work on or what to do with some of those projects. Taking stock for a fresh start!

If you need more in-depth detailed planning for your projects, Amy Ellis has these forms available.

And Sherri at A Quilting Life offers a Quilter’s Planner that is a bit more in-depth HERE.

Sherri also has this article on some of her favorite tools, which includes a lot of things that help you get organized. You can check those out HERE.

So, I hope this keeps you busy for a while. Some are free, some cost a bit, but you can pick and choose what might work best for you and go from there. I think I’m off to try and start another 10-day challenge, since there’s still time to fit one more in before September gets here!

6 responses to “August Studio Organizing, Task One”

  1. Kerry says:

    My sewing room is done! Yippeee! So far the old kitchen table is in there – intend to turn it into an ironing table so a bit of craft work to be done. Jezebel Janome and her table is now by the French windows. Some of my sewing machines are in there – would like them on display eventually. It looks tidy because nothing else is in it! LOL! Meanwhile upstairs in the little room it looks like a tornado has hit! Really have to think this through as things go in there.

  2. Moira says:

    I’m working on both the room where I sew/quilt and the stash room as I have time. making progress in some areas, not so much in other areas. But better than none!

  3. Sharon Gratz says:

    I think the only organizing I’m able to do is to list the UFOs as I come across them while going through fabric containers. I think there’s even a notebook or something special I was given a while back. I enjoyed checking out the links you posted and I hope there’s a plan to get you to seeing an end of this tunnel.

  4. Mary says:

    Sorry to hear your physical limitations are still keeping you from doing the things you love/need to do. Think of you often.

  5. Debbi says:

    Thanks for the links. I love reading about organizing and productivity…much easier than doing it😂

    I’ve gotten the bug this last week and have been purging and becoming reacquainted with my patterns, magazine clippings, and books. My goal is to reduce by 50%. Getting pretty close. I have a quilt retreat coming up that is an avenue to share what I no longer find interesting so that is helping motivate me.

    Also with the end of August fast approaching I’m trying to get all those jobs outside done that I’ve been procrastinating on…not doing as well here😱

    Sending many positive thoughts for your continued healing.

  6. Amanda M. says:

    My motivation has left as well. I have been doing almost everything except sewing and quilting. I keep thinking one of these days my motivation will show up at the same moment I have time to sew. Here’s to hoping for a productive end of August. Now if I could just get moving faster than a herd of turtles.

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