August Studio Organizing, Task One

Posted on August 11, 2021 by prairiemoonquilts in Studio Organizing Challenge

I’m struggling to keep up with what day it is, which, around here, is a bad thing, because My Cowboy doesn’t have any idea, either. He got up early and went to the doctor last Thursday, walked in, and they just kind of stared at him like, “Can I help you?” He told them he was there for his appointment, and they informed him that his appointment is on the 12th, to which he replied, “I thought it WAS the 12th!”

So now he has to do it all over again tomorrow — poor guy! All I knew is that his appointment was on Thursday, not WHICH Thursday! So then, I call up my dentist: “I’m supposed to have an appointment on Friday, but I need to reschedule.” She said: “Umm, we don’t have you on the schedule until November, and we’re not even open on Fridays.” I said, “Well, then, it’s a good thing I called!”

It’s like a case of leaving the mouse to guard the cheese — it’s tough to tell which one of us is in the worst shape mentally. Before long, I guess we’ll need a guardian, and I don’t mean the dog! But we’ve had lots of good laughs out of it!

I can’t recall that I’ve organized a single thing in the last couple weeks, either. But I have the new BOM about ready, and then I can get back to business as usual.

So for the next task, I’m giving us a choice of two different things, both of which I desperately need to do:

Clean off your main work surface


Deal with your scraps

I’ve made a heck of a mess lately, and I need to get it all back under control. My scrap basket is the same as it was last time:

Here’s the state of my cutting table:

You can choose to do just one of these, or try to fit them both in. I’m gonna try to do a little of both myself.

How about you? Do you need to do one or both of these things? Or do you get to take it easy this time because you already have it all under control? Do YOU even know what day it is?

28 responses to “August Studio Organizing, Task One”

  1. Bernie says:

    Of course I need to do both of these! Will I though? Hard to know!! I love this post – especially the part about the dentist and not even being open on Fridays. That is hysterical. I absolutely relate!

  2. Judy in MO says:

    Dealing with scraps will be on my list. My basket is overflowing, as well as a fabric cube underneath the cutting table.

  3. Amanda M. says:

    If it wasn’t for my phone knowing what day it is I wouldn’t have any idea of the current day. Thankfully I’m in the habit of putting appointments in the calendar on my phone. I also need to work on both my scraps and my cutting table. My motivation is gone due to the heat.

  4. Becky Cogan says:

    You crack me up. A couple of weeks ago I went the wrong day to get my hair cut. I totally relate to you. My cutting table needs some help so I’ll work on that. I love, love love reading your posts.

  5. Suelynn Williams says:

    Thought provoking! I’m pondering what to say. Maybe that it’s comforting to know I’m not alone in keeping track of appointments for my husband (when it’s hard enough for myself), and hunting through every project holder in sight to find a color for a scrappy block!

  6. Karen E. says:

    My scraps are fairly well under control, but I absolutely need to clean off my cutting table AND my ironing board and stop moving the piles back and forth depending on what I’m doing at the moment. That’s such a waste of time! The problem is that many of these piles don’t truly have a home. I’ll make a more concentrated effort to get things under control, thanks to your inspiration. I’m in the same boat as you and The Cowboy about the day and date! It’s a good thing we can all laugh at our mistakes.

  7. Cathy Wilson says:

    I know your dilemma. I turned 70 this year, and forgetting things, being disorganized had really become upsetting to me for some time now. I became so afraid that I might be suffering from Dementia or Alzheimer’s. They run advertisements for mental and memory focus so last year I decided to try one. The cost was just to high and I felt I could not justify it. My husband did some research and found “Bacopa Monnieri” was a main ingredient in all the memory enhancers. He ordered one from Walmart low dose and it really has helped. Yes there are some side effects especially if the dosage you use is high, or you don’t take it with food as recommended. Google it and learn about it. Educate yourself about any product you take.

  8. PAULA M says:

    So true! We had a fire that started about 6 miles from us, north east, then is turned west … the local fire departments were on it…scary , my kids came here not that they were evacuated just in case… so I have been back to scanning family photos and ect, ect… both sets of grandparents pictures, our parents pictures, our pictures, and now our children’s pictures… it is exhausting…but feeling grateful I still have time. So as far as organizing, I have been downsizing again, I now have a bursting 3rd tub of scraps! I will work on clearing my work areas, since I have taken a break from sewing…my last machine sewing class is still on the design wall, I have two more strips to cut, and then sew them all together…maybe by the end of the month…or not

  9. Debra Freese says:

    A few weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night in a panic because I was sure I’d missed my hair appointment. At any other time it would have been no big deal but I hadn’t had a hair cut since last October (Covid hair). Thankfully after a quick calendar check I realized the appointment was for the next week.
    A kinda like not looking at the calendar, slowing down and working on the things that give me pleasure.
    Recently after being exposed to an active COVID-19 case (at our doctors office no less), my husband and I are in quarantine for a few more days. We have been vaccinated and still wear masks but they they still ask that we comply.
    Regarding my studio state of affairs: I try to clean/organize my work table every evening. I deal with scraps by adding them to the scrap bin with the hope that I will be able to add to the 3”scrappy blocks that are slowly accumulating on the design wall.

  10. Ginny says:

    Wish I had a cutting table! Using the sink counter in the camper for making meals, washing dishes, cutting fabric & pressing. Now that means I have to clear it several times a day for the next task or go back to a task I cleared to do the current one.
    Right now I would love to have a scrap mess just to be able to get to use dome of them. They are all in boxes & expect to be until after The first of 2022

  11. Sharon says:

    Oh my goodness, Shelly. Your mess is almost as bad as mine. One thing I did was to set up permanently a table I used to set up temporarily to have a cutting surface, because my cutting surface has piles of stuff with no place to cut. Now I have a piling place and a cutting surface which I have to move piles off to cut. Does that count? I suppose I should clean the piles off the original cutting table, because with the other table set up all the time at the end of the quilt frame, it’s getting crowded in there!

  12. Debbi says:

    You’re too funny! Love the story about the dentist😁. I use a daily planner but often rebel against the lists of things I write in there to do and don’t look at it. 🤪. As far as the task goes…hmmm, my scraps certainly need some management but they are contained. My cutting table is usable but I have a secondary surface that needs clearing so I will do that.

  13. Angie in SoCal says:

    I’m gonna try to do a little of both. They need it.

  14. Candice says:

    Being 70, I have multiple medications to take every day. I use one of those weekly medication containers with the names of the dates on each flap. So I am reminded each day what day it is when I take my medications. 😌

  15. Sandi says:

    I had to empty my sewing room as we put new flooring in the house so my sewing room is clean and also my table. I also took my machine to be serviced so my room is still clean. I can’t wait to get it back. It won’t take long and I’ll have a mess again. I don’t have many scraps right now as we moved in May and I left all of my scraps except my cut squares which are in a box.

  16. Darlene says:

    I still think my cutting looks like your AGAIN! I did the same thing someone else did set up a temporary table & now I have to clean off both tables!! I am tackling cutting down the scraps & I cleaned out a drawer. I reopened the drawer 3 times when I was done to admire it! Hope you get all your appointments written down on 1 calendar for your memory.

  17. Wendy Tuma says:

    Definitely both! I was so proud of myself this summer – I remembered to get the RSVP in to our cousin’s daughter’s wedding – early! Then one day my MIL called and asked why we weren’t at the wedding. What wedding, I asked? I had forgotten to put it on the calendar. Uffda. There’s a lot of fuzz in the brain cavity as of late!!

  18. Christi Bentley says:

    I SHOULD do both. I tend to deal with the scraps when they overflow the basket, but only deal with enough to keep the basket full, but not overflowing. I should just bite the bullet and EMPTY the basket!
    I did clear off my cutting surface. However, now I notice that I have piles around all the sewing machines instead!

  19. Shirley Guier says:

    My scrapes would take me a week to do and I probably wouldn’t make much of a dent in it so you can guess which one I will try.

  20. Yep, I can relate to it all. Since DD went off to college, I don’t have anything to help me know what day of the week it is, so even if I remember I have an appointment, I have trouble. So, COZI works, but only if you look at it. LOL
    My studio is not horrible, but there are little messes all over the place. So, I posted here what I’m looking at.
    Since I’m still recovering from COVID, I won’t get them all done, but it is incentive to do something.

  21. Cindy Wienstroer says:

    I use my phone calendar so that helps me too. I do use my phone alarms so that lets me know that day. I think i just did some of my scraps so will tidy up some and will find more -i am sure!

  22. Falling off my chair reading your stories…had to share with my hubby. Hate to say I can totally relate.
    My scraps are in good shape, and even my sewing room is in relatively good condition. But I’ll try to tackle the fine bits of clutter on the work table. I’ve cleared enough space to cut and press, but there’s definitely a line where it turns to chaos 🙂

  23. Diane says:

    For a minute I thought it was my studio!!! We must be friends

  24. Rose Marie Smith says:

    Remember the Barbara Brackman Daredevils? I pulled that out of the “Unfinished Stuff” and I am going to finish the last two blocks and get this thing over!!! This thing was pieced from scraps. Good thing I have those last 2 blocks cut out. Now get them together. Here is what I really think. I think that getting those patterns over the internet caused enough wavers in size that piecing these puppies was a problem. But remember they were called Daredevils!!

  25. Jocelyn says:

    I’m with Amanda. If it wasn’t for my phone I wouldn’t know what day it is. My work area is doing pretty good, but the scraps are definitely out of control! Very discouraging, because I never know where to start! Project or scrap control ???

  26. Marlene Clausen says:

    My cutting table is in good shape. There are two projects on it. Both will be pieced today or tomorrow. One shouldn’t be there. The batteries in my mouse died on Thursday and didn’t get new ones until yesterday (Saturday). I was close to finishing a very complicated pattern only to discover I hadn’t printed the last page. Only access, my desktop. No access, no batteries. As for the calendar and appointments . . . same thing you just went through unless it is written down on a wall calendar hanging by the computer. For some reason, digital just doesn’t register with me when it comes to dates and appointments. I need a “real” calendar.

  27. Hi Shelley. I’m guessing the mess on your cutting table means you have been busy 😉. My cutting table gets cleaned off every day since it is usually my kitchen table. My other option is to put a cutting mat on my sewing table, but the space is to the left of my machine so it needs to be cleared when I sew. I’ve been making a real effort to clear my scrap bins and just about finished my fifth quilt top for a Wildfire Quilt Drive. As long as I have scraps I can keep creating since so many homes are being lost to wildfires here in British Columbia this year.

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