Studio Organizing, Week 47

Posted on November 21, 2016 by prairiemoonquilts in Studio Organizing Challenge

So how’s your main work surface looking this week?

I sure hope you made better progress than I did.

Here’s the current state of my cutting table:


The piles are different, but they’re still there! Some of them are not as high, and some are completely gone, but replaced with other piles. So I’m calling it progress, and I’m in the “it has to get worse before it gets better” stage.

And I’ve made one more step in the right direction on getting my longarm room ready. My Cowboy, even though he’s been really sick, managed to mount one of my pegboards so I can get my thread organized.


And this week, since it’s once again something I desperately still need to do, our task is:

Spend at least 30 minutes putting things away

Things you’ve gotten out and just didn’t put away.
Things you brought in from a shopping spree and haven’t found a home for yet.
Things you’ve been working on and are now finished with, such as leftovers from a finished project, or a tool you’re done using for now.

Ideally, we’d all be doing this one every single night when we’re done for the day, but for me, that doesn’t happen — yet. I aspire . . .

How about you?

This task is meant to be fairly simple, since this is Thanksgiving week, and whatever your plans, I hope you fully enjoy them!

9 responses to “Studio Organizing, Week 47”

  1. I’m aspiring too but making steady progress. You know how it goes . . . we create more of a mess when we are getting it all organized and put away. Warm Thanksgiving wishes to you!

  2. randy says:

    Yup can do.

  3. Judy says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  4. Meloney says:

    You are making progress.
    I am too, so it is all a good thing
    If I could only keep things neat, I would be a happy camper. But, creativity is messy at times.

  5. Barb B says:

    Oooo, I see some really goodies in that pile. Will that stuff left on the cutting table be coming to me?? (as per our one-sided agreement last week-LOL!)

    Yes, you did make progress!

    Love the thread rack. Can’t wait to see it full of colorful thread.

  6. Rose Marie says:

    I put away that table in my sewing area and George wanted to know where it went. He lays his clothes on it at night when he goes to bed. Another reason why I have to be pretty serious about keeping my sewing area clean!! LOL

  7. Ranch Wife says:

    I spent most of the day putting things away so family would have a place to sleep without having to wrestle with bins and piles of fabric. I’m giving myself brownie points!
    Yes, you made progress. Being creative is just a messy business. Hope your cowboy is back on the mend soon and hope ya’ll have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  8. Oh, dear. I hate to tell you this, but mine is all clear and has been for the past five days – I’m in shock myself. Now I just have to keep plugging away at the box that I put everything in – LOL.

  9. Crystal says:

    I can totally relate to “it has to get worse before it gets better” Happens everytime! I have to remind my husband of that from time to time when I’m “organizing” lol

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