Studios and More

Posted on June 5, 2015 by prairiemoonquilts in Inspiration, Studio Organizing Challenge

With the weekly Studio Organizing Challenge going on, there’s something I need to bring to your attention . . .

All this organizing is getting us all into better, neater, cleaner, more organized sewing spaces (right?), and if you’re like me, you’re always looking for more and better ways of doing things, storing things, decorating, and making things convenient for the work you do and the way you do it.

While Pinterest has lots of ideas and plenty to look at, there’s an event coming up that puts even more of this particular thing all in one place.

It’s called “Where Bloggers Create“, and it’s sponsored by Karen Valentine over at My Desert Cottage.


Not only can you go get a detailed peek into over a hundred crafting and sewing studios, you can also (if you’re a blogger) post pictures of your own studio for others to look at as well.

This year’s event is just about to kick off, and you can get all the details HERE.

And, you can still go back and look at last year’s entries.

I found Where Bloggers Create when it was in its second year, and I keep going back just to look through all the studios and see if any of the ideas that others use might work for me. The spaces are very inspiring and beautiful, and they come in all sizes and kinds.

I urge you to grab a cuppa your favorite beverage, put on your comfy clothes, get all settled in, and go check it out, too — be prepared to spend some time there! See what ideas and inspiration you can get from looking inside the creative spaces of others!

3 responses to “Studios and More”

  1. Cindy says:

    Going to have to check that out!

  2. I’ve been super busy lately, life in general and lots of sewing, so I’m way behind in reading my favorite blogs. But this looks like it’s worth checking out. Thanks 🙂

  3. Karen says:

    You’re right…you can sure spend alot of time there! Such wonderful studios and lots of great ideas. Thanks for mentioning it!

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